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(a)(i) 從資料A推斷香港人對香港前途的一項憂慮。(3分)




* 一項可以成立的憂慮1分,可以成立的解釋2分 憂慮: 例:

- 香港人擔心1997年後中國收回香港。 解釋: 例:

- 百分之七十的受訪者希望維持現狀,只有百分之四的受訪者願意香港被中國收回,該數字只是前項數字的十七分之一,數字之低反映受訪者對中國收回香港的憂慮。


資料A反映香港人對香港將於1997年回歸中國並被其統治感到憂慮。 資料A的意見調查指出共有70%和15%的香港表示希望1997年後香港仍然成為英國殖民地或成為託管地被聯合國所管治,從此數據可推斷大部分港人於1982年支持港英政權,希望其於1997年後繼續統治香港,對此以外的其他政權或政治轉變都將感到憂慮。 同時,資料A的調查指出只有4%的香港人表示希望1997年後香港回歸中國並接受其管治,顯示普遍香港人都對中國於1997年後統治香港一事上都不甚好感,甚至對此感到擔憂,反映香港人對1997年後香港回歸中國並被其統治感到憂慮。

(a)(ii) 你在題(a)(i)所推斷的憂慮,於1990年時是否仍然存在?試參考資料B,解釋你的答案。(2分)


表現未符預期。中文答卷的表現往往較英文答卷為佳,後者有時未能有效詮釋歌詞,因而未能準確判斷1990年時題(a)(i) 所推斷的憂慮是否仍然存在。


L1 解釋含混,未能有效運用資料作答。 [最多1分] L2 答案清晰,能參考資料作有效解釋。 [最多2分]


- 仍然存在(例如:「定能突破/戰勝黑暗」,黑暗仍然存在)

** 考生一般會持肯定的看法。然而,考生若持其他觀點而又 言之成理者,應酌量給分。


香港人對回歸中國的前途憂慮於1990年仍然存在。 資料B的歌詞出版於1990年並鼓勵聽眾面對「困境挑戰」時,應該「奮勇地面對」,以積極勇敢的態度處理危機,共同進退,暗示當時香港仍面對各種困境和挑戰,仍未走出困局,故憂慮仍然存在並未得以解決。 同時,資料B的歌詞指出通過「盡力地做我本份」,就可以從危機或挑戰中「突破」,繼而「戰勝黑暗」,鼓勵聽眾力爭上游,共同跨過障礙,暗示當時香港政局仍危機四伏,前途並未明朗,所以憂慮仍於1990年的香港存在。

(b) 「香港前途問題提升了香港的政治意識。」你是否同意此說?試參考資料A 及 B,並就你對香港直至1997年的發展所知,解釋你的答案。(7分)




L1 答案含混,未能有效使用資料和個人所知作答。 [最多2分] L2 欠缺均衡,僅能有效使用資料個人所知作答。 [最多4分] L3 答案合理且均衡,能有效使用資料個人所知作答。 [最多7分]

資料: 例:

- 壓力團體關注香港前途。(資料A) - 歌詞「實在極不願/移民外國/做二等公民」指出香港人存在身份認同疑問,反映他們的政治意識正在上升。(資料B) 個人所知: 例:

- 八十年代以前,一般香港人對政黨認知甚少;八十年代及以後,政治團體、政黨相繼湧現。 - 六七暴動後,香港人參與政治者甚少;香港前途問題出現後,壓力團體、政黨和尋常香港人開始關注香港前途、選舉等政治議題。


題目所言確能成立。 資料A的調查由香港壓力團體於1982年所進行,該年中英兩國正準備就香港前途問題展開談判,而調查內容更是關於對香港前途問題的意見,反映香港人關心前途問題,因此作出調查並向公眾表示他們的意見,正反映前途問題提升香港人的政治意識。 同時,資料A的前途問題調查反映共91%受訪者表達他們對香港前途的意見(分別繼續由英國管治、交由聯合國管治或回歸中國統治),只有9%的受訪者說明他們自己「不知道」,正顯示港人落力表達他們的政治意見和感受,顯示前途問題提升港人政治意識。 資料B的歌曲出版於1990年回歸前夕,而歌詞提及「香港是我心」,香港這個地方有如我們身體一部分,是「一顆不變的心」,堅定香港於港人心目中的地位。由此可見,前途問題喚起香港人對香港的共鳴,確實提升港人的政治意識。 以及,資料B的歌詞指出港人「實在極不願」,並不希望「移民外國」,到外國生活並淪落成為「二等公民」,顯示當時港人對香港已經產生濃厚的身份認同感,更逐漸形成政治意識,反映前途問題確提升港人的政治意識。 就我所知,為表達港人對前途問題的意見,他們相繼於1980年代開始組織政黨,如港同盟(1990)和匯點(1983)等政黨相繼成立,一方面表達港人的政治訴求,另一方面更積極關注香港前途問題,反映前途問題確實提升港人的政治意識。 此外,為準確應對前途問題,港英政府於1980年代起進行政治改革,例如1995年所有立法局議員由直選產生,不但增加港人的政治參與,而且提高他們的政治意識,的確因前途問題所導致。 最後,基於前途問題決定香港命運,所以港英政府於1980年代起委任更多華人擔任高級公務員,包括陳方安生和曾蔭權成為布政司和財政司等,結果港人留心政權,意識得到提升。 總括而言,前途問題出現前鮮有港人關心政治,例如政治參與、政制發展等議題不受重視。不過,正因為前途問題出現,港人擔憂香港命運,所以透過不同渠道表達意見,政治意識亦得到提升。所以,題目所言成立。


(a)(i) Infer from Source A one anxiety among the Hong Kong people about the future of Hong Kong. Explain your answer with reference to Source A. (3 marks)

Candidates’ Performance

Performance was fair. Most candidates managed to point out one anxiety felt by the Hong Kong people about the future of Hong Kong, with good reference to Source A. however, some candidates did not draw valid conclusions from the percentage figures in the table, and their answer were not awarded high marks.

Marking Schemes

* One marks for one valid anxiety and two marks for valid explanation

Anxiety: e.g.

- Hong Kong people were worried about China taking over Hong Kong after 1997. Explanation: e.g.

- Whereas 70% of the interviewees preferred to maintain the status quo, only 4% of the interviewees preferred Hong Kong to be taken back by China, which was one0seventeenth of the former figure. This low figure reflected the anxiety of Hong Kong people about Hong Kong to be taken back by China.

Suggested Answer

Source A reflected Hong Kong people’s anxiety about handover to China in 1997 and being ruled under Chinese administration. From Source A, 70% of respondents hoped Hong Kong will be maintained status quo as a British colony while 15% preferred Hong Kong to become a non-self-governing territory placed under the United Nations after 1997. It implied that most Hong Kong people supported British governance in 1982, and wished the governance to be continued after 1997. Anxiety over any political changes was observed. From Source A, only 4% of respondents preferred Hong Kong to be taken back by China and under Chinese administration after 1997. It depicted the general negative attitude towards handover in 1997. People may even worry about the Chinese administration afterwards. Anxiety about handover to China in 1997 and being ruled under Chinese administration was reflected.

(a)(ii) Did the anxiety you inferred in (a)(i) still exist in 1990? Explain your answer with reference to Source B. (2 marks)

Candidates’ Performance

“Performance was below expectations. Candidates who answered in Chinese tended to perform better than those who did so in English, who sometimes did not demonstrate effective interpretation of the lyrics and thus could not accurately determine whether the anxiety inferred in (a)(i) still existed or not in 1990.

Marking Schemes

L1 Vague explanation and ineffective use of the Source. [max. 1] L2 Clear answer with effective explanation with reference to the Source. [max. 2]


- Still existed (e.g. ‘I will surely break through and overcome darkness’ – darkness still prevailed)

** Candidates in general will hold a positive view. However, marks will be a warded to answers that hold the opposite view and are presented logically.

Suggested Answer

Yes, the anxiety still existed in 1990. From Source B, the song was produced in 1990 and encouraged people to “face bravely” in “difficulties and challenges “. It showed that Hong Kong was facing various challenges at this time. Problems had not been solved. The anxiety still existed in 1990. From Source B, lyrics pointed out that by “doing my part with best efforts”, people can “break through” challenges or even “overcome darkness”. It encouraged listeners to make their endeavors in order to ride out the crisis. It implied that the political situation was unstable at that time and the future was full of hurdles. The anxiety still existed in 1990.

(b) ‘The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge of the development of Hong Kong up to 1997. (7 marks)

Candidates’ Performance

Performance was below expectations. The question required candidates to comment on whether the question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness up to 1997. Many candidates did not tackle the concept ‘political awareness’ well, and failed to use proper historical examples to substantiate their answers. The worst answers used government reforms as examples of enhancing the political awareness of Hong Kong people, which lost marks.

Marking Schemes

L1 Vague answer, ineffective in using both the Sources and own knowledge. [max. 2] L2 Lack in balance, effective in using either the Sources or own knowledge only. [max. 4] L3 Sound and balanced answer, effective in using both the Sources and own knowledge. [max. 7]

Source: e.g.

- There were pressure groups that were concerned Hong Kong’s future. (Source A) - The lyrics ‘I am extremely reluctant to migrate overseas to become a second-class citizen’ reflected the issue of identity among Hong Kong people, which was an indication of their rising political awareness. (Source B) Own knowledge: e.g.

- Before the 1980s, Hong Kong people in general knew little about political parties; in and after the 1980s, there were an increasing number of political organizations and parties. - After the 1967 Riots, there was little political participation among the Hong Kong people; since the looming of the Hong Kong future question, pressure groups, political parties and ordinary Hong Kong people become concerned about political issues such as the future and elections of the territory.

Suggested Answer

Yes, the claim is valid. From Source A, it was a survey conducted by a pressure group of Hong Kong in 1982, when the talks between China and Britain about the future of Hong Kong were about to begin. The survey was about the opinion of people regarding the future of Hong Kong, reflecting people’s rising political consciousness. The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. From Source A, 91% of respondents showed their stance towards the future of Hong Kong (to maintain status quo as a British colony, to become a trust territory or to be taken back by China and under Chinese administration). Only 9% of respondents answered “don’t know”. It implied that Hong Kong people actively expressed their opinions over politics. The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. From Source B, the song was produced in 1990. Lyrics “Hong Kong is my heart, a determined heart” showed the unshakable position of Hong Kong in people’s heart. The question of Hong Kong aroused a common belief among Hong Kong people, reflecting the enhanced political awareness. From Source B, lyrics “I am extremely reluctant to migrate overseas to become a second-class citizen” showed the strong sense of identity of Hong Kong people. This local consciousness further led to the rising political awareness among people. The question of Hong Kong enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. From my own knowledge, owing to the question of Hong Kong, political groups were formed, like Meeting Point (1983) and United Democrats of Hong Kong (1990), to name but a few. Not only did they express the political opinions of Hong Kong people, but also showed concern over the question of Hong Kong. The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. From my own knowledge, British government started political reform in 1980s. In 1995, all members in the Legislative council were elected through direct election. This boosted the political participation of Hong Kong people. The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. From my own knowledge, due to the question of Hong Kong, British government started to appoint more Chinese as high-ranking officials in 1980s. Anson Chan and Donald Tsang were appointed to be chief secretary and financial secretary respectively. This made more people pay attention to politics. The question of Hong Kong’s future enhanced Hong Kong people’s political awareness. To conclude, before the question of Hong Kong, Hong Kong people barely showed concern towards politics. However, owing to the question of Hong Kong, Hong Kong people started to worry about the future of Hong Kong. Therefore, they actively projected their voices through different channels, showing their rising political awareness. Yes, the claim is valid.

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