(a) 從資料A指出當時香港政府所面對的一個問題。參考資料A,解釋你的答案。(1+2分)
問題(1分): 例:
- 共產主義的威脅 - 社會不穩 - 暴動 解釋: L1 能引用相關線索,但沒有恰當的解釋。 [最多1分] L2 能引用相關線索,並作恰當解釋。 [最多2分] 例:
- 中共領袖毛澤東被歌頌(線索:「偉大的戰無不勝的毛澤東思想萬歲」)
- 各個口號挑起反政府情緒(線索:使姅「抗暴」和「帝國卜義」等貶詞形容香港政府)
(b) 參考資料B,描述1978-1990年間香港對中國內地貿易的轉變。(4分)
L1 能說明轉變,但未能恰當引用資料。 [最多2分] L2 能說明轉變,能恰當引用資料。 [最多4分] 例:
- 香港自中國內地進口佔香港的總入口額,由16.3%(1978年)上升至36.9%(1990年)。
- 香港本地產品輸往中國內地佔香港的總出口額,由0.2%(1978年)上升至21.0%(1990年)
然而,情況至1990年出現轉變,香港輸往內地或由內地進口的數字都大幅增加,分別是36.9 (進口)和21.0(出口)個百分比,增長高達近2(進口)和100(出口)倍,反映至1990年時香港跟內地經常貿易來往,關係密緊,當然是轉變。
(c) 「1960年代至1990年代期間,香港與中國內地的關係由壞轉好。」你是否同意?參考資料A及B,並就你所知,解釋你的答案。(7分)
L1 答案含混,未能有效論及資料及相關史實,及/ 或對有關時期涵蓋不足。 [最多2分] L2 答案片面,僅運用資料或相關史實,及/ 或僅能涵蓋有關時期的一部分。 [最多4分] L3 答案全面,能運用資料及相關史實,及基上能涵蓋有關時期的全部。 [最多7分] 同意: 例:
- 資料A展示了1967年暴動的一幕。該暴動標誌著香港與中國內地關係緊張。 - 「文化大革命」結束後,開始了「改革開放」時期,中國的發展重點由階級鬥爭轉移到經濟建設(個人所知)。香港中國內地之間的貿易轉趨頻繁(資料B),這反映了兩地關係變得密切。 - 香港在該時期由英國殖民地變成中國的一個「特別行政區」,意味著香港與中國內地出現更多合作。(個人所知) 不同意: 例:
- 雖然經濟聯繫如資料B所示變得密切,兩地在有關時期出現互不信任。1980年代,香港對中國出現「信心危機」,繼而就彭定康的政治改革方案出現熾熱的爭論;中國為防香港變成一個反共基地,取消了立法局議局的「直通車」安排,並成立了臨時立法會。因此,資料A所形容的不穩仍然存大,儘管形式不同。(資料及個人所知)
(a) Identify from Source A oneproblem faced by the Hong Kong government at the time. Explain your answer with reference to Source A. (1+2 marks)
Candidates’ Performance
Performance was good. Most candidates were able to point out a problem faced by the Hong Kong government at the time, and cite relevant clues to explain their answers. However, some weak candidates merely gave a recount of the relevant event without pointing out what the problem was.
Marking Scheme
L1 Able to cite relevant clue(s) without due explanation. [max. 1]
L2 Able to cite relevant clue(s) with due explanation. [max. 2]
Problem [1 mark] : e.g.
- communist threat - social instability - riot Explanation [2 mark] :
- CPC leader Mao Zedong was highly praised (clue: ‘Long Live the Great and Invincible Mao =Zedong’s Thoughts)
- The slogans stirred up anti-government sentiments (clue: derogatory words such as ‘violence’ and ‘imperialism’ for the Hong Kong government).
Suggested Answer
The Hong Kong government faced the problem of resistance movements and social instability.
According to source A, people in the photo are infuriate, they hold the banner of “British [Imperialism] in Hong Kong Shall be Defeated” and march on streets, demanding the end of colonial rule and the handover to China to establish communism. This shows that the government faced people’s political opposition which led to social instability.
Apart from that, source A shows that the banner “Loving our motherland is not breaking the law! Resisting violence is justified!” was hanged on the street, it is also stated that “counter-attack on British Imperialism” should be launched. People were encouraged to protest against the British colonial government, leading to social instability, which was the problem faced by the Hong Kong government at the time.
(b) With reference to Source B, describe the changes in Hong Kong’s trade with mainland China in the period 1978-1990. (4 marks)
Candidates’ Performance
Performance was good. Most candidates were able to make use of the statistics to identify changes in Hong Kong’s imports from and exports to mainland China. Some weak candidates did not cover the whole period in question or merely listed the statistics without summarizing the changes.
Marking Scheme
L1 Able to identify the change without due reference to the Source. [max.2]
L2 Able to identify the change with due reference to the Source. [max. 4]
- Hong Kong’s imports from mainland China increased from 16.3% (1978) to 36.9% (1990) in Hong Kong’s total imports.
- Hong Kong’s domestic exports to mainland China increased from 0.2% (1978) to 21.0% (1990) in Hong Kong’s total exports.
Suggested Answer
The trade between Hong Kong and mainland China experienced continuous increase in 1978. Source B shows that the figures of both “imports from mainland China” and “Hong Kong’s domestic exports to mainland China” remained low in 1978, which were 16.3% (import) and 0.2% (export) respectively, reflecting that exchange between Hong Kong and mainland China was limited at the time, their relationship was not particularly close. However, the situation changed from 1990, the figures of both “imports from mainland China” and “Hong Kong’s domestic exports to mainland China” substantially increased, which were 36.9% (import) and 21% (export), there were a 2 times and 100 times increase respectively, showing that trade between Hong Kong and mainland China during 1990s was frequent, their relationship became closer, marking a change.
(c) ‘The relationship between Hong Kong and mainland China in the period of the 1960s-1990s changed from bad to good.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B and using your own knowledge. (7 marks)
Candidates’ Performance
Performance was poor. Many candidates had the view that the relationship between Hong Kong and mainland China had been good since the beginning, but few responded to the key phrase ‘from bad to good’. Some candidates mistook the question as one asking about Sino-British relations, and hence scored no marks.
Marking Scheme
L1 Vague answer, unable to effectively refer to the Sources and own knowledge, and/or inadequate coverage of the period in question. [max. 2]
L2 A lopsided answer merely referring to the Sources or own knowledge, and/ or covering only part of the period in question. [max. 4]
L3 A comprehensive answer referring to both Sources and own knowledge, and covering the whole period in question. [max. 7]
Agree: e.g.
- Source A represented a snapshot of the 1967 Riots, which marked a tense relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland of China. - After the end of the ‘Cultural Revolution’, the ‘Reform and Openness’ era cam and China emphasized economic constructions rather than class struggle (own knowledge). Trade between Hong Kong and mainland China boomed (Source B), which reflected closer tie between them. - Hong Kong transformed from a British colony to a ‘special administrative region’ of China in the period concerned, hence increasing cooperation between Hong Kong and mainland China. (own knowledge) Disagree: e.g.
- Despite the growing economic tie as reflected in Source B, mutual distrust existed throughout the period in question. There was vast ‘confidence crisis’ towards China in Hong Kong in the 1980s, followed by hot debate cantering on Patten’s political reform program; China, with a view to prevent Hong Kong from becoming a center of anti-communism, dropped the original ‘through-train’ arrangements for the LegCo members and set up the Provisional Legislative Council. Therefore, the instability as described in Source A still lingered on, though in a different form. (Source and own knowledge)
Suggested Answer
I agree with the statement to a large extent. According to source A, Mao ZeDong’s thoughts prevailed in the Hong Kong society in 1967, for example, the slogan of “Long Live the Great and Invincible Mao Zedong’s Thoughts” was raised, it was also suggested that “Loving our motherland is not breaking the law! Resisting violence is justified!”, attempting to “counter-attack on British Imperialism”. Under the leadership of the Chinese government, Hong Kong people initiated the “Rally against British colonial government”, the exchange between China and Britain greatly reduced and their relationship worsened. According to my own knowledge, China experienced political instability in 1966, Cultural Revolution took place from 1966 to 1976, the Red Guards fiercely attacked the rights (capitalism and anything related to it), ambassadors in China were also attacked. Under such situation, Hong Kong, which implemented capitalism, exchange with China was cut off, their relationship was poor. However, as the Gang of Four was arrest, the Cultural Revolution came to an end, Deng Xiao Ping rose to power and announced “Reform and Opening up” policy in 1978, he invited foreign corporations to trade with China, Hong Kong became a “window” for China’s opening-up. Not to mention that numerous factories were moved from Hong Kong to mainland China, trade increased and the relationship was normalized and improved. According to source B, the figures of both “imports from mainland China” and “Hong Kong’s domestic exports to mainland China” experienced growth since 1978, taking export as an example, it was increased from 0.2% in 1978 to 21% in 1990, there was a 100 times increase, reflecting that the relationship between China and Hong Kong became closer, their relationship turned from poor to good. Finally, as Hong Kong was handover to China in 1997 and colonial rule ended, Hong Kong turned to a “special administrative region” and became part of China, the Chief Executive had to report to the Beijing Government from time to time, the relationship between Hong Kong and China indeed improved and was different from that of the 1960s. All in all, I agree with the statement to a large extent.